My adorable Nephew at Kentwell – an annual Tudor reenactment where participants live like Tudors for a week in the grounds of a large Tudor mansion in Suffolk.  He loved his time there – a life changing moment in his young life

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He was a travelling ‘player’ for a week. They even speak the Shakespearean style language of the time when ‘on duty’.


I was fascinated by the rythm created by these leaves on a pond in Writtle. The distribution of colour and shape is seemingly random, yet the texture is uniform


We owe everything to nature’s ability to create order from chaos.


Took this shot in situ – no extra lighting, just sunlight hitting the doll at just the right angle and lighting up the head! I didn’t even move its position to get this shot.

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What features in your worst nightmares?

HINCHINGBROOKE PARK, Huntingdonshire Feb 2014

Hinchingbrooke Park – beautiful and vast area; this park is full of photogenic treasures.